The third edition of groundbreaking work, Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority of Scripture to explore historical, biblical, theological, cultural, and practical questions about the roles and relationships of women and men in the Christian life and the church. This fresh, positive defense of gender equality is at once scholarly and practical, irenic yet spirited, up-to-date, and cognizant of opposing positions. In this edition, readers will find both revised essays and new essays on biblical equality in relation to several issues, including the image of God, the analogy of slavery, same-sex marriage, abortion, domestic abuse, race, and human flourishing.

The book is edited by Ronald W. Pierce (professor of Old Testament, M.Div. ’75, Th.M. ’77), Cynthia Long Westfall (B.A. ’75) and Christa McKirland (M.A. ’13, Th.M. ’15).

"Having found the earlier editions of Discovering Biblical Equality to be extremely helpful resources in supplementing conversations within the church and the academy concerning our shared human identity in Christ Jesus, we say 'welcome' and 'well done' to this revised edition. With new essays from fresh (particularly female) voices and a slightly renewed format, this volume continues to address historical and present concerns in wise, irenic, knowledgeable ways. Hence it continues to help us discover the gift of life together as God's coequal image-bearing children. A truly wonderful 'upgrade'!"

Cherith Fee Nordling

associate professor at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, Regent College, Vancouver, and author of Knowing God by Name