
A Reasonable God: Engaging the New Face of Atheism – eBook

Eschewing the rhetoric and provocative purposes of best-selling “new atheists” Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, Ganssle offers a nuanced, charitable, and philosophically well-informed defense of the reality of God. Topics include the relationship between faith and reason, moral arguments for God’s existence, Darwinian theories of the origin of religion, and more.

Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations – eBook

Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that our widely shared human aspirations are best understood and explained in light of the Christian story. With grace and insight, Ganssle explains how the good news of Jesus Christ makes sense of―and fulfills―our deepest desires. It is only in the particular claims of the Christian faith, he argues, that our universal human aspirations can find fulfillment and our restless hearts will be at peace.

Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview / Revised – eBook

Now updated and expanded in this second edition, Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig offers a comprehensive introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective. In their broad sweep they seek to introduce readers to the principal subdisciplines of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics, and philosophy of religion.

Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult: A Beginner’s Guide to Life’s Big Questions – eBook

Philosophy is thinking critically about questions that matter. But many people find philosophy intimidating, so they never discover how invaluable it can be in engaging ideas, culture, and even their faith. Garrett DeWeese and J. P. Moreland understand these challenges, and in this book they apply their decades of teaching experience to help to make philosophy a little less difficult. Using straightforward language with plenty of everyday examples, they explain the basics needed to understand philosophical concepts—including logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of science.

Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy – eBook

Can we really think about God? Can we prove God’s existence? What about faith? Are there good reasons to believe in the Christian God? Can we avoid thinking about God? The real problem, says philosopher Gregory E. Ganssle, is not whether we can think about God, but whether we will think well or poorly about God. In the first part of this book Ganssle lays the groundwork for clear and careful thinking, providing us an introductory guide to doing philosophy. In the second part Ganssle then takes us through the process of thinking well about God in particular. In the final part Ganssle helps us thread our way through questions like: What is God like? What can God do? What can God know? How does God communicate? If you’re looking for your first book for thinking clearly and carefully about God, then you’ll appreciate the good thinking found in this book.