Origins of Man/Life

God’s Crime Scene Participant’s Guide

Follow former cold-case detective J. Warner Wallace in God’s Crime Scene as he examines eight pieces of critical evidence in the “crime scene” of the universe to determine if they point to a “divine intruder.” This 8-session DVD will dive into one of the most meaningful and challenging questions: Does God exist? Note: This highly visual and interactive study book is tailored for individual or group use with the DVD Study.

The Story of Reality Video Study: How the World Began, How it Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between

Christianity isn’t just a private religious viewpoint—it’s a picture of reality that becomes visible when the pieces of its puzzle are properly assembled. Hosted by Gregory Koukl, this study examines the story of the world, the meaning of humanity’s role in the drama, and a foretelling of how the plot lines will be resolved in the end. Six-session DVD.